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Kaustav Banerjee Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ingrid Banks Black Studies
Thomas Barrett Philosophy
Stephanie Batiste Black Studies
Giovanni Batz Chicana and Chicano Studies
Kathy Baylis Geography
Guillermo C. Bazan Materials
Jean Beaman Sociology
Matt Beane Technology Management Program
Ninotchka Bennahum Theater/Dance
Daina Ramey Berry Humanities and Fine Arts
Michael Beyeler Psychological & Brain Sciences
Lars Bildsten Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Daniel Blumenthal ​Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amy Boddy Anthropology
James Boles Earth Science
Eileen Boris Feminist Studies
John Bowers Materials
Mark Bowick Physics
Risa Brainin Theater/Dance
Cherie Briggs Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Deron Burkepile Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Alison Butler Chemistry