What's Current in
Computing + Technology

Photo Credit
Used with permission from Microsoft
Majorana 1, the eight-qubit topological quantum processor unveiled at Microsoft Station Q's 2025 conference

Photo Credit
Brian Long
Artist's concept illustration of a photonic memory array

Photo Credit
Sonia Fernandez
Andrei Isichenko holds the ultra-high-quality ring resonator (left), which can help turn the "coarse" light from a commercially available Fabry-Perot laser diode (right) into a low linewidth laser

Photo Credit
Joao Vianna/Getty Images

Photo Credit
Matt Perko
The scanning ultrafast electron microscope in the Bolin Liao lab

Photo Credit
Dustin Garner, Emil Kind
An electron-microscopy image of the fruit fly's anterior visual pathway — all neurons involved in processing visual information and conveying it to the navigation center in the fly brain. Compass neurons are in the circular area at the center

Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
UCSB ExFAB staff and senior participants, from left, Oliver Vining, Elaine Kirschke, Jean-Marie Volland, Nathalie Elisabeth, Sherylle Mills Englander, Max Wilson, Michelle O'Malley, Joel Rothman, Niels Volkmann and Carolyn Mills.

A long-exposure shot of fireflies in Thailand