What's Current in
Physics + Astronomy

Photo Credit
Fangzhou ZhaoI, Van de Walle group
Concept illustration of non-radiative recombination, in which electron-hole interaction at a defect in the atomic structure results in heat, rather than light, being emitted. Jim Speck will use his Vannevar Bush Award to advance understanding of the physics of such interactions.

Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
Professors Andrew Jayich, left, and Jon Schuller

Photo Credit
Rana Amini/Campàs Lab
Microscopy image of a developing zebrafish retina, with cell nuclei (blue) and membranes (yellow) shown

Photo Credit
Elena Zhukova

Photo Credit
Kelsey Leonard
Scientists from a broad range of disciplines converged on the UCSB campus for the Institute of Complex and Adaptive Matter's annual Week of Science

Photo Credit
Brian Long
A quantum magnetometer on a chip