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Science + Technology

The Earth gradually becoming whiter.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
On its own, Earth would shift toward another ice age in about 10,000 years, scientists say. But humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions may have radically shifted the climates trajectory.

Scientists match Earth’s ice age cycles with orbital shifts

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Black man hands blue card to white man on stage
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Willie E. May, left, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, inducts chemical engineering professor M. Scott Shell, right, as a Fellow.
concept illustration of robot collective acting like a tool
Photo Credit
Brian Long/UCSB
Disk-shaped robots can act collectively to accomplish tasks such as lifting and manipulating objects, or supporting weight
photo of world's first quantum topological processor
Photo Credit
Used with permission from Microsoft
Majorana 1, the eight-qubit topological quantum processor unveiled at Microsoft Station Q's 2025 conference
Rivers running down a mountainous valley
Photo Credit
Jeff Prancevic
Streams like this one can run dry during periods of drought. This study provides new analyses to help predict when and where streams flow.
A scuba diver conducts surveys surrounded by bright orange Garibaldis.
Photo Credit
author Jennifer Caselle
California's network of marine reserves enables conservation and management without closing large areas of the ocean.
Daniela Soto at her lab bench
Photo Credit
Jordan Strauss / AP Images for HHMI
Daniela Soto
Meghan Morrissey behind lab equipment.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Meghan Morrissey
A man with glasses sits on a train, gazing out the window with a contemplative expression. A woman leans her head on his shoulder, partially obscured, wearing glasses and a blue sweater. The train interior is softly lit, and other passengers can be seen in the blurred background.
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Film still from the documentary “Walk With Me” about Los Angeles designer Charlie Hess and his journey into early-onset Alzheimer’s.
Bright colors and different shapes meant to illustrate a photonic array
Photo Credit
Brian Long
Artist's concept illustration of a photonic memory array
Portrait of Tinish Bhattacharya
Photo Credit
Courtesy UCSB Engineering
Tinish Bhattacharya in his UC Santa Barbara lab.