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Anthropology + Archaeology

a group of Tanzanian men gather around a table and speak with a researcher
Photo Credit
David W. Lawson
A focus group of young men in Tanzania, led by project co-investigator Alexander Ishungisa (standing) and social scientist Elisha Mabula. (Photograph shared with participant consent.)
Black man with trays of different insects
Photo Credit
Umberto Diecinove
kristine chua
Biological anthropologist Kristine Chua, postdoctoral fellow
Wayne Chapman uses a hand drill to start a coal, which Chumash Elder Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto (seated) will use to start the fire.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Wayne Chapman uses a hand drill to start a coal, which Chumash Elder Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto (seated) will use to start the fire.
Archeological remains from El Gigante
Photo Credit
Thomas Harper
Botanical remains from El Gigante.
Anthropology associate professor David Lawson
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
Associate Professor David W. Lawson, May 2023
Tsimané fishing with bows and arrows
Photo Credit
Michael Gurven
Compared to industrialized counterparts Tsimané people of lowland Bolivia have less food availability and must expend more effort to get it

Not Just for the Gods