What's Current in

Campus + Community

a teacher and small children sitting on the floor of a childcare classroom
Photo Credit
Lego mini figures in red construction hats building a structure using Lego bricks
Photo Credit
iStock / meskolo
a women with a digital camera records the landscape from an overlook
Photo Credit
Ryan Grant
Coastal Media Project student Catherine Scanlon gathering footage for her team's documentary short film
Aerial view six white buildings surrounded by trees
Photo Credit
© SOM | Mithun
A high-resolution rendered site plan for the San Benito student residential community
Stork plaza, the UCen, and music building with the ocean in the background.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Portrait of a male chef, with dark hair and a greying goatee, in an industrial kitchen
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
Chef Hayden Dozier in the kitchen at The Club & Guest House on campus

Recipe for a life in food
An exterior shot of the former Staples building on State Street in downtown Santa Barbara
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
An exterior shot of the former Staples building on State Street in downtown Santa Barbara
black and white photograph of Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial
Photo Credit
Wikimedia Commons
Martin Luther King Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, August 28, 1963.
Hundreds of pairs of blue, purple and white plastic gloves
Photo Credit
Sarah Kidwell
The program so far has diverted more than 4,000 pounds of single-use plastic from the waste stream
photograph of a school psychologist speaking with a student
Photo Credit
iStock/Marcos Elihu Castillo Ramirez