What's Current in


Painting of a friend by Lyra Purugganan
Two pianists play facing each other on a darkened stage
Photo Credit
Courtesy photo
Vicki Ray and Aron Kallay have been playing together for about a decade.
Two actors in 1920s attire sitting on a couch, laughing, in a black and white image
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
“Hay Fever” will run from Nov. 14-19 in the Performing Arts Theater on campus.
Two male dancers perform on a blackened stage
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
A scene from Santa Barbara Dance Theater's 2023 show, “The Ties that Bind/Los lazos que unen.”
Graham Feyl and Sylvia Faichney
Photo Credit
Debra Herrick
Graham Feyl and Sylvia Faichney
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña dramatically lit in the Santa Barbara Courthouse mural room
Photo Credit
Debra Herrick
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña
Student filmmakers Alessandra Puig-Santana and Tess McCormick
Photo Credit
Ian Kellett
Student filmmakers Alessandra Puig-Santana (left) and Tess McCormick on Santa Cruz Island