What's Current in

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

A school of hammerhead sharks.
Photo Credit
Masayuki Agawa via OceanImageBank
Power pylons at sunset.
Photo Credit
Matthew Henry via Unsplash
Decarbonizing the grid is the dawn of a new era of electricity.
Side view of a researcher in a lab, wearing goggles and a white coat, looking down
Photo Credit
Elena Zhukova
a large industrial fishing vessel surrounded by seabirds
A trawler off the coast of South Africa
A large pile of small blue plastic objects rises from a relief map of Manhattan
Photo Credit
Courtesy Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory
This image of a blue plastic pile represents the cumulative amount of plastic waste that would be generated between 2010 and 2050 — enough to cover the entire island of Manhattan, and ten times the height of the Empire State Building — under a business-as-usual scenario where no aggressive policy actions are taken.
NSF director at the Engineering Sciences Building
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan speaking at the Engineering Sciences Building
Palms blow in a storm.
Photo Credit
ChiehCheng via iStock
The El Niño Southern Oscillation influences weather patterns across the world.
A scalloped hammerhead prowls a reef in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador.
Photo Credit
Lopazanski et al.
The Galapagos Marine Reserve is one of many marine protected areas around the globe that safeguards biodiversity, cultural heritage and marine resources.