What's Current in

Local Community

A side-by-side image of a female dancer in motion and a woman playing tennis
Photo Credit
Left: Dario Calmese; right: Jeff Liang
The arts and humanities, including UCSB Arts & Lectures, and UCSB Athletics, are key focus areas for the Arnholds' generosity to the university.
A graduate in cap and gown, holding flowers, with her arm raised, other grads in the background
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
School children seen from behind observing a historical statue
Photo Credit
Courtesy image
Students from Adams Elementary School at the Santa Barbara Presidio learn about the statue of King Carlos III.
Portrait of Jennifer Ja Birchim
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
“My favorite spot on campus is Campus Point. My kids learned how to surf there, and that is where I surf as well as my husband. It is an important place for me because my kids have spent so much of their life down there.” —Jennifer Ja Birchim
Aerial view six white buildings surrounded by trees
Photo Credit
© SOM | Mithun
A rendered site plan for the San Benito student residential community.