What's Current in

Life Sciences

orange and black butterflies on a branch
Monarch butterflies undertake a multigenerational migration that covers thousands of miles

Neurobiologist Sung Soo Kim receives 2024 Scholar Award from McKnight Foundation

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A computer rendering of bacteria and a superbug
Photo Credit
Ryan Allen and Peter Allen, Second Bay Studios
A new antibiotic cured mice infected with bacteria deemed nearly “untreatable” in humans — and resistance to the drug was virtually undetectable.
dimly lit shark with black background
Photo Credit
Photo by Laura College, Unsplash
A dusky-footed woodrat with baby in tow
healthy options for ketogenic diet

An ‘Amazing’ Result
Light shines through the leaves of a venus flytrap, revealing a captured insect

Mixing Up Metabolism
Young father trying to work on laptop as his children stand around him
sample tubes containing seawater and sand in a test tube rack

Fantastic Bioplastic
Pink cells on a purple background

From Droplet to Discovery
Two silver colored fish swim above a red coral reef in dark blue water

Healing Our Ocean