What's Current in

Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology

An illustrative image of small peptide helices.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
This is a story about proteins, how they malfunction, and what cells do to prevent that.
2024 Goldwater scholars
Clockwise, from left: Matthew Unger, Riya Nilkrant, Xuanwei Liang, Isaac Hair, Anika Jena
a cathedral in the middle of a mountain town in Colombia
Yarumal, a municipality in the foothills of the Andes north of Medellín, is one of several communities in Colombia that host a large kindred with a genetic form of early-onset Alzheimer's disease
A blue macrophage engulfs a magenta lymphocyte, as rendered by ChatGPT4.
Photo Credit
ChatGPT4, prompt by Denise Montell
A blue macrophage engulfs a magenta lymphocyte, as rendered by ChatGPT4.
Portrait of Kenneth Kosik
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Kenneth S. Kosik