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Mechanical Engineering

concept illustration of robot collective acting like a tool
Photo Credit
Brian Long/UCSB
Disk-shaped robots can act collectively to accomplish tasks such as lifting and manipulating objects, or supporting weight

How to get a robot collective to act like a smart material

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image of lab instrument
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
The scanning ultrafast electron microscope in the Bolin Liao lab
two women on stage
Photo Credit
James Badham
Yangying Zhu (right), assistant professor in the UCSB Mechanical Engineering Department, receives her award certificate from ARPA-E Program Director Dr. Evelyn Wang at the National Academy of Sciences, in Washington, D.C.
lfireflies looking like yellow circles in the early evening
A long-exposure shot of fireflies in Thailand
young woman smiling
Photo Credit
College of Creative Studies biology student Ashley Yeh '24
the cellular development of an embryonic tooth
Photo Credit
Neha Pincha Shroff and Pengfei Xu
Tooth epithelium (cell surface; yellow) and mesenchyme (cell surface; magenta). Proliferating cells (cyan) expand the tissue, generating a mechanical pressure at the tissue center that drives the formation of the main tooth signaling center or organizer, the enamel knot.
a pink-colored droplet between yellow-bordered cells
Photo Credit
Courtesy Image
University students and professor flank an adult in a wheelchair in front of a weight machine
Photo Credit
Lilli McKinney
Capstone project client Steve Ferreira (center) with (from right): Professor Tyler Susko and team members James Freda, Carlos Rivera, Janna Crocker, Joseph Byun and Cannon Crow.