What's Current in

Letters and Science

house nestled in rocks in night landscape
Photo Credit
James Haefner
Southwest view of the Doolittle house, Joshua Tree, November 2022
Sand dunes surround palms, trees, shrubs and a small lake in the UAE.
Photo Credit
Jing Yang via iStock
A desert oasis is perhaps the most striking example of a groundwater-dependent ecosystem.
orange and black butterflies on a branch
Monarch butterflies undertake a multigenerational migration that covers thousands of miles
cool artists standing in front of a glass gallery in work clothes
Photo Credit
Debra Herrick
From left, art professor Kim Yasuda and her students Evelia Rosas, Lara Love, Miriam MacMillan and Savannah Arroyo
hand holding a small white device
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
The small, wearable device is part of a system that monitors drug concentrations and delivers accurate dosages
classroom with student of color and a Black professor
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
“Everyone writes from the lens of their experience or where they allow their imagination,” says film & media studies lecturer Wendy Eley Jackson, pictured at far right.
Yellowtail dascyllus and other tropical fish swim by a cauliflower coral in American Samoa.
Photo Credit
Dam via Adobe Stock
Damselfish like these yellowtail dascyllus have an outsized effect on reefs compared to their humble proportions.