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Black man hands blue card to white man on stage
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Willie E. May, left, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, inducts chemical engineering professor M. Scott Shell, right, as a Fellow.

Career distinction awarded for pioneering advances in multiscale modeling

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concept illustration of robot collective acting like a tool
Photo Credit
Brian Long/UCSB
Disk-shaped robots can act collectively to accomplish tasks such as lifting and manipulating objects, or supporting weight
One person ascending outdoor stairs of a modern building with a sunburst overhead
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
The Interactive Learning Pavilion, opened in 2023, is UCSB’s first all electric facility.
Bright colors and different shapes meant to illustrate a photonic array
Photo Credit
Brian Long
Artist's concept illustration of a photonic memory array
Portrait of Tinish Bhattacharya
Photo Credit
Courtesy UCSB Engineering
Tinish Bhattacharya in his UC Santa Barbara lab.
A hand holding up a pair of high-tech glasses on a black background
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Using virtual reality, an AI module for future vision prostheses, designed by Michael Beyeler’s Bionic Vision Lab, creates practical and useful artificial vision.
scientist holds a chip-scale ring resonator and a commercially available Fabry-Perot laser diode
Photo Credit
Sonia Fernandez
Andrei Isichenko holds the ultra-high-quality ring resonator (left), which can help turn the "coarse" light from a commercially available Fabry-Perot laser diode (right) into a low linewidth laser
battery with blue lighting bolt
Photo Credit
Aqueous Battery Consortium