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Society + Culture

Leah Stokes on a chair holding a plant
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
UC Santa Barbara associate professor Leah Stokes researches public policy, public opinion and political behavior, with a focus on energy, environment and climate change.

Leah Stokes receives the prestigious Schneider Award for Outstanding Science Communication

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Black man with trays of different insects
Photo Credit
Umberto Diecinove
Jigna Desai - a woman with dark hair and glasses with brown skin
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
Professor Jigna Desai, director of UCSB's Center for Feminist Futures
man in sweater with grey white hair inside a black sculpture's shadow
Photo Credit
Debra Herrick
Nelson Lichtenstein
six women facing the sea with their arms raised in heart hands
Photo Credit
Simona Pilolla
Two hands in fingerless gloves hold a cardboard house
Photo Credit
iStock / pcess609

Is housing a human right?
kristen thomas-mcgill white woman with glasses on blue stage
Photo Credit
Jeopardy Productions, Inc.
History doctoral candidate Kristen Thomas-McGill on Jeopardy