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Physics + Astronomy

green and purple objects
Photo Credit
Fangzhou ZhaoI, Van de Walle group
Concept illustration of non-radiative recombination, in which electron-hole interaction at a defect in the atomic structure results in heat, rather than light, being emitted. Jim Speck will use his Vannevar Bush Award to advance understanding of the physics of such interactions.

Little-understood physics in gallium-nitride LEDs garners UCSB’s Jim Speck a prestigious Vannevar Bush award

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A depiction of an ion trap holding a detectable “bright” radium ion and co-trapped “dark” radioactive molecule.

A Rewarding Endeavor

Making Waves

Come One, Come All

Sophisticated Skin
An artist’s interpretation of a quasar and the black hole at its center.

A Most Distant Signal