Debra Herrick with scarf

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European Renaissance painting of Black woman blowing bubble gum in a gold frame on a blue wall with highlighted images of other Black Renaissance figures
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Courtesy UCSB MCC
Connecting the past to the present, the documentary "We Were Here" sparks conversations about representation, belonging and historical memory.
two colorful prints in exhibition space
Photo Credit
Ingrid Bostrom
Corita Kent (b. Fort Dodge, IA, 1918 - 1986), “harness the sun” and “solw,” details, both 1967, Serigraph on paper, Courtesy of Corita Art Center, Los Angeles. Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara.
A surreal painting by Taeko Tomiyama featuring masked and costumed figures in an underwater-like setting. Human, animal, and mythical characters emerge from a dark, marine background with coral, fish, and a large nautilus.
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
Tomiyama Taeko, "Theater Beneath the Sea, 'Splendid Banquet for the Empire,'" detail, 2008, oil on canvas, gift of Sakata Natsume in memory of her mother Tomiyama Taeko, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara.
A man with glasses sits on a train, gazing out the window with a contemplative expression. A woman leans her head on his shoulder, partially obscured, wearing glasses and a blue sweater. The train interior is softly lit, and other passengers can be seen in the blurred background.
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Film still from the documentary “Walk With Me” about Los Angeles designer Charlie Hess and his journey into early-onset Alzheimer’s.
Beautiful Black woman sitting in a dark theater with a prop box of popcorn
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
UCSB lecturer and producer Wendy Eley Jackson spotlights advocacy in a compelling new documentary.