UC Santa Barbara Magazine

Fall/Winter 2024

Inside our fall/winter issue you'll find a trio of inspiring conservation stories from California's eastern Sierra region, where UC Santa Barbara has a natural reserve — and a huge research presence. This mini-package, starring the Owens Valley pupfish, Yosemite’s mountain yellow-legged frogs, and the sage-grouse of Long Valley Caldera, features stunning illustrations by alum Charin Park '22. Nature also gets a nod in our art story, set in Ojai’s gorgeous Taft Gardens, while the Colombian Andes are the backdrop for an in-depth piece about a documentary film project that weaves together family memories and Alzheimer's research. Also in the spotlight: discoveries in the humanities from overlooked and underestimated spaces.

Captivating people. Fresh perspectives. Striking photographs. Come on in, and enjoy!


Read Online

Fall / Winter 2024 issue cover of sage grouse illustration

What's Current in

In Depth

moorea island research station







Research in Paradise

A highly interactive multimedia experience

Natural Reserve System landscape of SNARL









Stewards of Nature

A multimedia series to highlight UCSB's Natural Reserve System

A controlled burn at Sedgwick Reserve









Taming Fire

Controlled burns can be a boon to our landscape