Rivers running down a mountainous valley
Photo Credit
Jeff Prancevic
Streams like this one can run dry during periods of drought. This study provides new analyses to help predict when and where streams flow.

UC Santa Barbara Magazine

Fall/Winter 2024

Inside our fall/winter issue you'll find a trio of inspiring conservation stories from California's eastern Sierra region, where UC Santa Barbara has a natural reserve — and a huge research presence. This mini-package, starring the Owens Valley pupfish, Yosemite’s mountain yellow-legged frogs, and the sage-grouse of Long Valley Caldera, features stunning illustrations by alum Charin Park '22. Nature also gets a nod in our art story, set in Ojai’s gorgeous Taft Gardens, while the Colombian Andes are the backdrop for an in-depth piece about a documentary film project that weaves together family memories and Alzheimer's research. Also in the spotlight: discoveries in the humanities from overlooked and underestimated spaces.

Captivating people. Fresh perspectives. Striking photographs. Come on in, and enjoy!


Read Online

Fall / Winter 2024 issue cover of sage grouse illustration

What's Current in

In Depth

west side of the island coastline with waves crashing over rocks



Ocean Solutions

Working to preserve the world’s oceans

Natural Reserve System landscape of SNARL






Stewards of Nature

A multimedia series to highlight UCSB's Natural Reserve System

three researchers huddled around an object for survey



Channel for Discovery

Learnings revealed from the Santa Barbara Channel