Bumps in the Road

Infrastructure renewal project focuses on the east end of the UCSB campus as well as sewer pipe replacement in the Library area

Those traveling through campus during winter and spring quarters are likely to run into a bit of roadwork and other construction, as the ongoing campus infrastructure renewal project continues its current phase. The project aims to replace aging and outdated utilities infrastructure to provide a more robust and reliable system of water, natural gas and electricity supply.

The project has been underway for nearly a year, evidenced by the green fences periodically erected on campus as workers dig up and replace critical underground pipes, often followed by above-ground improvements such as better paving and resurfacing. A goal for the infrastructure renewal has been to time construction in such a way that would minimize interruptions to pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

Major construction, according to UCSB acting director of Design and Construction Services Ray Aronson, has begun at the east end of campus along Channel Islands Road — the road south of the residence halls near Campus Point — with the installation of a large storm drain that will direct stormwater runoff from the east bluff to the campus lagoon. The construction, Aronson said, will continue up Lagoon Road along the east edge of campus to a tie-in point just south of the roundabout at Henley Gate.

“The extent of the work could not be completed during the break,” he said, “and, thus, lane closures along Lagoon Road with the total reconstruction of the road will continue through May.”

Sewer Work

Between Jan. 23 and Feb. 16, 2017, portions of the bike path between Storke Tower and the UCSB Library will be closed as crews work to replace the main sewer pipe underneath that section of bike path. Pedestrian crossings will remain open throughout construction and the bike path will be rerouted accordingly. People in the area may hear the occasional loud noise, as the work will be done via “pipe bursting,” a method that reduces the need for extended open trenches. Construction will begin at 5 a.m. to reduce the impact of the work during the day.

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