Statement from Chancellor Henry T. Yang (May 30, 2014)
In a letter to the UCSB campus community, Chancellor Henry T. Yang wrote the following:
In the days since the tragic events in Isla Vista, I have been spending much of my time talking with and listening to our students and parents, as well as members of our dedicated faculty and staff. Dilling and I have also been walking through Isla Vista at night to be with our students. I want to update you now on steps the University has taken to enhance safety.
· Our UC Police Department, with additional police officers from our sister UC campuses, has increased its presence on campus and extended saturation patrols in Isla Vista through Commencement. Such intense efforts will continue to be strengthened in the fall quarter, in close collaboration with the increased efforts of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office and other local law enforcement.
· We have increased CSO patrols in Isla Vista, with extended hours; this is in addition to the 24/7 free CSO safety escort service.
· The University is completing a comprehensive lighting and security assessment and has been installing additional lights across campus. Also, we have recently committed additional funds to Santa Barbara County for more lighting in Isla Vista.
· We have implemented a new parking policy that limits weekend and after-hours access to our parking facilities to only UC Santa Barbara affiliates.
Finally, our UC Police Department wants to remind us all that we each play an important role in keeping our community safe. They are asking that if you “See Something, Say Something,” and report suspicious activity (911 for emergencies; 805-893-3446 for UC Police; 805-681-4100 for Isla Vista Foot Patrol). Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to call the CSO service at 805-893-2000 for a free safety escort at any time.
I am extremely proud of the way our community has come together during these difficult days to support each other and to remember and honor all the victims of last week’s tragedy. We are showing the world what it means to be a Gaucho. United in our efforts, I am certain that we are building a stronger university.
Henry T. Yang
UC Santa Barbara Memorial Service
A memorial service to honor the six students who died as a result of the tragedy in Isla Vista will take place at 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, in Harder Stadium. The ceremony is expected to last approximately an hour. The entire campus community is invited to attend.
Those who do attend are encouraged to walk to the stadium in order to minimize parking issues and traffic congestion.
Counseling Services
The University has been making counseling services available for students and has set up emergency housing for displaced students. The University has set up a call center at (805) 893-3901 for community members and parents with questions. The counseling services hotline number remains (805) 893-4411. Professional counseling support services are also available on campus at the Student Resource Building.
Information on classes and campus memorial: A message from Chancellor Yang and Interim Executive Vice Chancellor Michaelsen
In a letter to the UCSB campus community today, Chancellor Henry T. Yang and Interim Executive Vice Chancellor Joel Michaelsen wrote the following:
In light of the tragic events that occurred on Friday night, after discussions with the Academic Senate, Associated Students, and our administrative colleagues, we are declaring Tuesday, May 27th a Day of Mourning and Reflection. There will be a memorial service at Harder Stadium on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00PM organized jointly by students, staff, and faculty. Also, Associated Students has asked us to let our community know that our students are planning a memorial wall at the Pardall Center.
Regular classes will not be held on Tuesday. However, because our academic community needs a space for talking and healing as well as mourning, we ask that faculty come to campus on Tuesday to be available to meet with students. We suggest that faculty communicate with our students and teaching assistants to let them know whether they will be meeting at their regularly scheduled class time, or in office hours, or both. Staff should report to work as usual, but employees who need to request time off from work should coordinate those requests with their supervisors. Classes will resume on Wednesday.
We wish to reiterate the message from the undergraduate deans that academic advisors are available to assist students who are concerned that this tragedy will interfere with the completion of their courses. Our dedicated advisors will do everything they can to ensure that no student’s academic record is adversely affected by this difficult situation. There will be extended walk-in advising hours this week starting on Tuesday, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, including the lunch hour. Faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants will receive additional information from their department chairs and deans about how to provide guidance and alternatives to students who may need assistance as they complete their academic year.
We remind students, faculty, and staff that professional counselors are available to provide support to all members of our community. We encourage you to consult them to address your own needs and to get advice about how you can help others if they reach out to you. Counselors can be reached by phone at (805) 893-4411, 24 hours a day. Counselors will be available for in-person visits all day Tuesday at the Student Resource Building.
This is a period of mourning for all of us. The moving candlelight vigil that our students organized on Saturday evening began the process of healing. On Tuesday we will remember and honor the victims of this horrible event, and come together as an academic community to reflect, talk with each other, and think about the future. As terrible as these past two days have been, they make us believe in our students and the entire UCSB community more than ever.
Henry T. Yang, Chancellor
Joel Michaelsen, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor
Statement from Chancellor Henry T. Yang (May 25, 2014)
In a letter to the UCSB campus community today, Chancellor Henry T. Yang wrote the following:
It is with a heavy heart that I am writing again to share more sad news. Yesterday we were informed that three of our students, Katherine Cooper (senior), Christopher Martinez (junior), and Veronika Weiss (sophomore) were among those killed during the tragic events on Friday night. Today the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office released the names of the remaining victims and they are also members of our community. They are George Chen and W. Wang, both juniors in the College of Engineering. The parents of the third student have requested that we only use his initials, C.H.
Our sense of loss is immeasurable. We are offering our full support to their families, and our thoughts and prayers are with them. In the coming days we will also explore with the families how we may best honor their memories. We have established a fund, The UC Santa Barbara Community Fund, to honor our students who were victims of this tragedy and to memorialize their lasting impact and contributions to the UC Santa Barbara community.
The number of reported injuries has been revised to 13. Nine of those taken to the hospital were UC Santa Barbara students. We have been informed that six of these nine students have already been released and one is expected to be released tomorrow. We fervently wish all the injured a full recovery.
The safety and welfare of our students is our top priority. We have counselors available today and tomorrow at our Student Resource Building from 9 am to 8 pm and by phone at 805-893-4411 around the clock. With support from the UCLA and UC Irvine police departments, we have also increased police patrols in Isla Vista and on campus. In addition, our CSO Escort Program provides courtesy escorts for our students and community members traveling on campus and in Isla Vista at any time. To request a CSO safety escort, simply call our Police Dispatch line at 805-893-2000. I encourage every student to enter this number in your cell phone now, so that it will be readily accessible when you need it. Escorts can also be requested through the red emergency phones located all over campus.
I am moved by the love and support demonstrated by our community, especially during these difficult times. Dilling and I were honored to join our students for last night’s candlelight vigil, the first of what I anticipate will be many events to honor the victims and to come together as a community. We are planning a campus memorial service, and will send another communication later today with additional information and other updates.
Henry T. Yang
Statement from Chancellor Henry T. Yang (May 24, 2014)
In a letter to the UCSB campus community, Chancellor Henry T. Yang wrote the following:
We are horrified and deeply saddened by the tragic events in Isla Vista last night. While the details are still unfolding, reports are that seven people were killed, including the perpetrator, and several more injured in an appalling act of senseless violence. We grieve for the precious lives lost, and we share in the heartbreak of their families, friends, and classmates.
This tragedy profoundly affects our entire university family. We have counselors on-site in Isla Vista and on our campus who are working with our students to provide services and support. Counselors can also be reached by phone at (805) 893-4411, 24 hours a day.
While the police investigation continues, we await answers to many important questions. The campus, along with the police and local authorities, will provide information as it becomes available. We are committed to keeping our community informed. We have set up a campus call center for community members and parents with questions, at (805) 893-3901.
On behalf of our university community, I want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the campus police officers and Santa Barbara County sheriff’s deputies who acted quickly and courageously to protect our students and other Isla Vista residents and prevent an even greater tragedy from unfolding.
We are moved by the tremendous outpouring of sorrow and support from our community, including our faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees, the UC Office of the President and Regents, elected officials, and countless friends and colleagues around the world. We will continue to draw strength and comfort from each other in the difficult days ahead.
The flag on our campus will be at half-staff this week to honor those whose lives were so suddenly and tragically cut short. We will be in touch as we continue to respond to these events. Our UCSB family is in mourning.
Henry T. Yang
Statement from UC President Janet Napolitano (May 24, 2014)
University of California President Janet Napolitano issued the following statement on the Isla Vista shootings:
“I am shocked and deeply saddened by the news of a mass shooting last night in the Isla Vista area near UC Santa Barbara. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy, their families and the entire Santa Barbara community. I have been in touch with UCSB Chancellor Henry Yang since the news broke, and have told him the UC Office of the President will assist his campus in any way we can.
“While details on the shooting are scarce and families are still being notified, the campus is already taking steps in response. University officials have set up a room for families who are coming to campus, and are making counseling services available to any students, faculty and staff who need our support. UC Santa Barbara officials are also working with the local County Sheriff’s Office and have opened the campus’ Emergency Operations Center. We will share additional information as it becomes available.”
Statement from UC President Janet Napolitano (May 26, 2014)
University of California President Janet Napolitano issued the following statement on the Isla Vista shootings:
“By now I am sure that every member of the University of California community is aware of the horrific rampage near UC Santa Barbara this past Friday night that took the lives of six of our students and injured nine other students.
“Words cannot adequately express my shock over this senseless event and my profound sadness about the loss of these young people. I ask that you join me in sending thoughts and prayers to the victims of this tragedy, their families and the entire Santa Barbara community.
“This is a time for mourning and grieving, and for consoling and supporting each other. It will take time for our UCSB colleagues to recover and heal from this. To begin that healing, UCSB has canceled classes on Tuesday, May 27, and declared the day one of mourning and reflection. A memorial service organized jointly by students, staff and faculty will take place at 4:00 pm on campus. In the days and weeks ahead, as the campus continues to recover, I ask that you please extend understanding and compassion to our UCSB colleagues.
“To honor the memories of the victims of Friday’s senseless and tragic events, I am ordering flags at all University of California facilities to be lowered to half-staff through Sunday, June 1. As you look upon those lowered colors, I hope you will pause to reflect on these lost members of our UC family.
“During this terrible time for our UC community, I ask that you join me in the belief that the process of healing and reflection we will go through in the coming days will draw us closer as a university community. Together, we will get through this.”
This story will be updated as new information becomes available.