A two-day sale of items donated by UC Santa Barbara students will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, in the parking lot of UCSB's Embarcadero Hall at 935 Embarcadero del Norte in Isla Vista.
The sale is sponsored by GIVE, a campus project developed to encourage students to donate rather than discard their unwanted items, according to Catherine Boyer, director of student affairs grants and development. Admission is free and open to the public.
When students move out of apartments and homes in Isla Vista, and from residence halls on campus, GIVE staff members and volunteers receive a variety of donations, including clothing, books, furniture, household goods, electronics, bicycles, canned and packaged food, and other miscellaneous items. Those items are then sold by GIVE, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefitting Isla Vista nonprofit organizations and community projects.
Marking its 23rd year of accepting donations during student move-out in June, GIVE is one of the first community projects of its kind in the country. "GIVE at UCSB is an amazing project," said Sue Dumm, GIVE volunteer coordinator. "It encourages students to be responsible when discarding their belongings, promotes recycling and reusing, as well as brings the community together with the university by donating the proceeds of the giant parking lot sale to deserving non-profits from the Isla Visa community."
In 2012, an astonishing 17 tons of items were donated to GIVE –– usable items that did not end up in the county's landfill. In addition, GIVE distributed 889 pounds of donated canned and packaged food to the Associated Students (A.S.) Food Bank, and raised more than $26,000, all of which was distributed among 14 local programs.
Beneficiaries include Isla Vista Elementary School's Science Camp Scholarship Fund; Isla Vista Park and Recreation District's Adopt-a-Block and children's recreation programs; Isla Vista Teen Center; Isla Vista Youth Projects; the Optimist Club at UCSB and the Breakfast Optimist Club of Goleta; Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara/Isla Vista; the Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-Op; St. Michael's; Thrive Isla Vista; and the Isla Vista Initiatives Fund in the Office of Student Life.
Items not sold will be donated to Goodwill, a charity that serves people in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.
According to Leonor Reyes, director of the Isla Vista Teen Center, which has been a GIVE beneficiary for many years, the funds provide critical support, allowing the program "to offer a safe alternative space after school where youth have access to a variety of educational, recreational, and leadership opportunities."
Major sponsors of GIVE 2013 include A.S. Business Services; A.S. Community Affairs Board; A.S. Finance Board; the Community Affairs Board Foundation; the Isla Vista/UCSB Liaison Office, the Isla Vista Tenants Union; the Isla Vista Community Relations Committee; UCSB Housing and Residential Services; and The Green Initiative Fund. Additional support is provided by MarBorg Industries; Goodwill Industries of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, Inc.; the Santa Barbara Independent; the UCSB Departments of Community Housing, Student Life, Parking and Transportation Services, and Physical Facilities; and UCSB and community volunteers.
For more information about GIVE 2013, visit https://seal.sa.ucsb.edu/civic-community-engagement/give-benefit-sale or contact program coordinator Viviana Marsano at marsano-v@sa.ucsb.edu.
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