UCSB Marine Geophysicist to Discuss Antarctica and Earth's Climate

Ice began accumulating on Antarctica about 35 million years ago, and since then the continent has come to play a central role in regulating Earth's climate. In recent years, scientists have drilled into the ice cover on Antarctica to recover detailed records of climate history and even samples of Earth's ancient atmosphere.

In a UCSB Affiliates Science Lite lecture titled "What is Antarctica's Place in Earth's Climate?" Bruce Luyendyk, a professor of marine geophysics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, will discuss his research experiences in Antarctica and what studies there have revealed about Earth's climate.

The presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 24, at the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at 21 E. Constance Avenue in Santa Barbara. The cost of the lecture is $8 for UCSB Affiliates and Chancellor's Council Members, and $10 for others. Contact the UCSB Office of Community Relations at 893-4388 to register, as space is limited.

Luyendyk, who is also associate dean of science at UCSB, has focused his research for the past 18 years on West Antarctica and made eight expeditions to the continent and surrounding oceans. His current research involves the development of a drilling program to recover samples of the "Greenhouse-Icehouse Transition" in global climate from rocks overlying the Antarctic sea floor.

A Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society of America, Luyendyk shared the Newcomb-Cleveland Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1980. He has published more than 135 books and articles, including contributions to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

For more information, visit www.ia.ucsb.edu/comrel/events.shtml

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