What's Current in

History of Art and Architecture

European Renaissance painting of Black woman blowing bubble gum in a gold frame on a blue wall with highlighted images of other Black Renaissance figures
Photo Credit
Courtesy UCSB MCC
Connecting the past to the present, the documentary "We Were Here" sparks conversations about representation, belonging and historical memory.

Europe’s hidden Black Africans of the Renaissance

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700 Palms, Venice, CA
Photo Credit
Ehrhard Pfeiffer
700 Palms, Venice, California, Ehrlich Architects
Graham Feyl and Sylvia Faichney
Photo Credit
Debra Herrick
Graham Feyl and Sylvia Faichney
Orange glass bottle mosaic structure with dolls and miscellanea
Inside one of the unique dwellings by California folk artist Tressa "Grandma" Prisbrey.

New Direction
Elaine Reichek, "Blue Men" (1986)

Hierarchies in the Arts

Key Contributors

Reinventing Work

A Building Scholar

The Art of Craft