What's Current in
Campus + Community

Photo Credit
Harrison Tasoff
A small landslide covered part of Jesusita Trail north of Stevens Park. The debris basin nearby was completely filled by upstream sediment.

Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Professor Elisabeth Ayuk-Etang, December 2022

"Sandy Rodriguez: Unfolding Histories" opens at the Art, Design and Architecture Museum this winter.

A 35-millimeter landscaped portrait from the "Get Shorty" press kit, as seen in "Still Film"

Photo Credit
SBBON26 via iNaturalist, Harrison Tasoff
(Left) A cedar waxwing gobbles up a toyon berry near Lake Los Carneros Park.
(Right) Phoradendron leucarpum, also called American or oak mistletoe, retains its elliptic green leaves even as it’s host tree drops its own leaves in preparation for winter.
(Right) Phoradendron leucarpum, also called American or oak mistletoe, retains its elliptic green leaves even as it’s host tree drops its own leaves in preparation for winter.