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A graduate in cap and gown, holding flowers, with her arm raised, other grads in the background
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
School children seen from behind observing a historical statue
Photo Credit
Courtesy image
Students from Adams Elementary School at the Santa Barbara Presidio learn about the statue of King Carlos III.
women with dark skin and hair in professional sweater
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S. Shailja PhD '24, electrical and computer engineering
kacie ring with blue background young white woman
Photo Credit
Jeff Liang
A Ph.D. student in ecology, evolution and marine biology, Kacie Ring placed second in the UC Grad Slam.
young woman smiling
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College of Creative Studies biology student Ashley Yeh '24
Portrait of Jennifer Ja Birchim
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
“My favorite spot on campus is Campus Point. My kids learned how to surf there, and that is where I surf as well as my husband. It is an important place for me because my kids have spent so much of their life down there.” —Jennifer Ja Birchim