Harrison Tasoff in red shirt

Featured Articles

A half-corroded barrel seeps toxic waste into the seafloor.
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Courtesy Image
Untold amounts of toxic waste were carelessly, though legally, disposed of off the California coast. Their presence continues to haunt human and wildlife health.
Rivers running down a mountainous valley
Photo Credit
Jeff Prancevic
Streams like this one can run dry during periods of drought. This study provides new analyses to help predict when and where streams flow.
A scuba diver conducts surveys surrounded by bright orange Garibaldis.
Photo Credit
author Jennifer Caselle
California's network of marine reserves enables conservation and management without closing large areas of the ocean.
Daniela Soto at her lab bench
Photo Credit
Jordan Strauss / AP Images for HHMI
Daniela Soto
People gather outside a public distribution shop in Rajasthan, India.
Photo Credit
Azad Jain via iStock
Fair price shops are part of India's Public Distribution System, which distributes food staples at a subsidized price to the poor. The program shows far-reaching benefits.
Meghan Morrissey behind lab equipment.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Meghan Morrissey