Cultivating Education

Gevirtz faculty, staff, students and alumni lend a hand to the Harding University Partnership School garden

Two dozen faculty and staff members, students, alumni and friends of the Gevirtz School gathered at Harding University Partnership School for a Community Service Day on April 13. Work focused primarily on Harding’s garden, with an emphasis on building and preparing two new garden boxes. Materials for the boxes were donated by people at the Gevirtz School.

The school garden gives each and every student the opportunity to learn about planting, harvesting, cultivating, composting and nutrition — the five pillars of the Explore Ecology garden education program at Harding. Explore Ecology is a local nonprofit environmental education and arts organization. The School Gardens Program — serving 36 local schools — connects children to nature and uses the garden as an outdoor classroom to teach them how to grow their own organic food. The school garden also serves as a resource for the cafeteria.


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