UCSB Recreation Department Announces Friday Surf & Turf Events

Looking for a great way to end your work week with some exercise and fun? The UC Santa Barbara Recreation Department might have the solution.

Starting this Friday, May 8, and for the next four Fridays through June 5, the UCSB Recreation Department is offering Surf & Turf, a fun duathlon event starting at 6 p.m. Adults and children as young as 8 years old are welcome. Registration fee for the entire series is $60 for students and $65 for non-students, or sign up for individual events for $15 each.

The event will feature a 500-meter ocean swim and/or a 5-kilometer ocean view run around the UCSB Lagoon. Participants can sign up for the entire series, or individual events, and are welcome to participate in both the swim and run, or choose between the two. Walkers are also welcome.

There will be entertainment and snacks after each event.

Register online at www.recreation.ucsb.edu. For more information, contact Amy Jamieson at (805) 893-2956, or e-mail amy.jamieson@essr.ucsb.edu.

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UCSB Recreation Department

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