Christine Van Gieson has been appointed Director of Admissions at the University of California, Santa Barbara, effective March 1.
Ms. Van Gieson has been on the UCSB staff since 1984. She served as Associate Director of Admissions from 1995 to 2000 and as Acting Director of Admissions since June, 2000. Her appointment was recommended by a campus advisory committee that conducted an exhaustive, national search, as well as by senior administrators in the student-affairs division.
"I am extremely pleased to announce this appointment," said UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang. "Chris has helped oversee and manage the implementation of many significant changes in the admissions process in recent years, and I am delighted that we will be able to count on her continued leadership."
Among other changes, the University of California system has adopted an approach to admissions called "comprehensive review," which was endorsed by the UC faculty and approved by the Board of Regents in November. This approach enables the campuses to identify applicants who have demonstrated the capacity for high academic achievement and promise and who have a variety of qualities that can contribute to the strength and diversity of the campus.
"Our committee worked very hard for over a year to search for top candidates for this position, and we are pleased that Chris has been appointed admissions director at UCSB," said the chair of the search committee, Walter W. Yuen, a professor of mechanical and environmental engineering and vice chair of the Academic Senate. "I believe that this is a very good appointment for the institution."
"Chris has demonstrated her commitment to the mission of this institution during her long and productive tenure at UCSB," said Betty Huff, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs responsible for enrollment services and management. "She has made important contributions to our successful undergraduate admissions program, and we look forward to having her in the role of director."
Ms. Van Gieson received a B.A. in art history from UCSB in 1970. After several years as a staff member at UCLA, she returned to UCSB in 1984, when she was named Associate Director for Relations with Schools. She recently was named to the UC Admissions Processing Task Force, which will review admissions processing across the entire system.
"I am honored to have been selected for this position, and I'm looking forward to working with our faculty, staff, and students," said Ms. Van Gieson. "UCSB is a very dynamic institution that attracts an exceptionally talented pool of applicants, and I know I will find my new position an exciting and rewarding one."