The Sedgwick Reserve, a University of California Natural Reserve System site managed by UC Santa Barbara as part of its outreach to Santa Barbara County residents, will begin a docent training program this fall for persons who love this unique environmental resource in the Santa Ynez Valley and want to share its treasures with others.

Training will begin the week of Sept. 18 and will continue through January 2001. Participants will study with highly qualified university faculty and other presenters to learn about the natural history of the Sedgwick Reserve and how to share its outdoor wonders with both children and adults.

Persons who complete the training will be asked to volunteer one half-day a week for two years.

In addition, volunteers are needed to assist with plant and animal collections, record animal sounds, catalog photos and slides, photograph the reserve, assist in site restoration and work in the office or on technology tasks.

For further information and a volunteer application, please call Nancy Emerson, outreach coordinator, at 569-7196 or e-mail her at nemerson@sbceo.org.

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