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Society + Culture

People gather outside a public distribution shop in Rajasthan, India.
Photo Credit
Azad Jain via iStock
Fair price shops are part of India's Public Distribution System, which distributes food staples at a subsidized price to the poor. The program shows far-reaching benefits.

Researchers link India’s food program to better health and stronger incomes

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Portrait of Charmaine Chua
Charmaine Chua is a 2023 Freedom Scholar
Wayne Chapman uses a hand drill to start a coal, which Chumash Elder Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto (seated) will use to start the fire.
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Wayne Chapman uses a hand drill to start a coal, which Chumash Elder Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto (seated) will use to start the fire.
Historian Kate McDonald
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
Historian Kate McDonald, August 2023
Two opposing heads with winged and horned brain and tailed and haloed brain.
Photo Credit
kovalto1 via iStock
Moral reasoning creates distinct patterns of activity in the brain.
Inez Beverly Prosser superimposed over a classroom
Inez Beverly Prosser is known as the first Black woman psychologist in the United States.