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Science + Technology

Headshot of Herbert Kroemer
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Courtesy image
Herbert Kroemer
lfireflies looking like yellow circles in the early evening
A long-exposure shot of fireflies in Thailand
Sand dunes surround palms, trees, shrubs and a small lake in the UAE.
Photo Credit
Jing Yang via iStock
A desert oasis is perhaps the most striking example of a groundwater-dependent ecosystem.
Fishing boats in Peru
Photo Credit
Renato Molina
orange and black butterflies on a branch
Monarch butterflies undertake a multigenerational migration that covers thousands of miles
hand holding a small white device
Photo Credit
Matt Perko
The small, wearable device is part of a system that monitors drug concentrations and delivers accurate dosages
Yellowtail dascyllus and other tropical fish swim by a cauliflower coral in American Samoa.
Photo Credit
Dam via Adobe Stock
Damselfish like these yellowtail dascyllus have an outsized effect on reefs compared to their humble proportions.