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Brian Long
A quantum magnetometer on a chip

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Matt Perko

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ChiehCheng via iStock
The El Niño Southern Oscillation influences weather patterns across the world.

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Michael Gurven
A health educator conveys information about COVID-19 transmission to members of Bolivia's Tsimané population

With this method, your empty detergent bottle can be turned into more detergent

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Bruce Luyendyk
Peak 1070 — near one of the team’s field camps — was renamed Mount Luyendyk in honor of the author’s contribution to our knowledge of Antarctica.

Photo Credit
Michael Gurven
The Tsimane Health and Life History Project mobile field team, consisting of UCSB anthropologist Michael Gurven, center bottom, and including UCSB undergraduate researcher Tianyu Cao (far right), is composed of several Tsimane anthropologists, a Tsimane health promoter, as well as a Bolivian physician and biochemist.

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Lopazanski et al.
The Galapagos Marine Reserve is one of many marine protected areas around the globe that safeguards biodiversity, cultural heritage and marine resources.

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Fangzhou Zhao
The trap-assisted Auger-Meitner effect allows for energy to be transferred to another electron.