The UCSB Experience

The university has redesigned its website to enhance digital interactions with the campus

In an ongoing effort to strengthen the visibility of faculty research and the work of our students and staff, and to bolster our reputation as a world-class university, UC Santa Barbara has launched its redesigned website.

For many people and in many ways, is the primary entry point to the campus. It also serves as a bustling hub for UC Santa Barbara’s interactions with the entire Gaucho community, from staff and faculty, to alumni and friends worldwide, to students and parents (both current and future), and to the general public. That includes people across California, where UCSB’s work is centered and has broad impact.

With that in mind, the redesign is meant to enhance those interactions and to provide a more engaging experience with UC Santa Barbara in digital channels by offering interesting and relevant information about the campus.

Bringing the dynamic nature of UCSB to life with compelling visuals and interactive elements, new features such as a ‘Campus Experience’ section and a timeline of milestones in UCSB’s history gives visitors to the site a rich and relatable way to get to know UC Santa Barbara. Another aim: to boost pride in being associated with UCSB.

Most crucially for the largest segment of the audience — prospective students and families — the new site makes it easier to find details about applying to UCSB and the academic opportunities that await.

The redesign retains many familiar and valuable tools, including key information for members of the on-campus community as well as the A-Z Index and People Finder features, which are easily accessed via the search icon located in the upper right-hand corner of every page on the site. The website experience is continually being improved, with additional enhancements ongoing.

UC Santa Barbara holds a high standard of excellence. The new website meets that standard and ensures the university’s digital presence is adaptable to the future. Welcome, and enjoy.

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