UC Santa Barbara to Fund Santa Barbara County Fence Project in Isla Vista

Project is aimed at promoting community safety

To ensure the timely completion of an important community safety project, UC Santa Barbara announced today that it is providing the County of Santa Barbara with $70,000 necessary for construction of a permanent fence along the bluffs in Isla Vista. The fence will be constructed on land owned by the County and the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District.

“This contribution is another example of the University’s longstanding and ongoing commitment to the Isla Vista community,” said John Longbrake, associate vice chancellor for public affairs and communications. “Students, parents, faculty and staff members and many Isla Vista residents have advocated for this project as a way to enhance community safety. We want to acknowledge their efforts and the work of the County in securing the permits and overseeing the community design process and construction of the fence.

“We are also grateful to our donors who have contributed generously to support safety enhancements for our students in Isla Vista, as well as for Supervisor Doreen Farr’s commitment to this project,” Longbrake continued. “The fence will help protect not only our students who are residents of Isla Vista, but also the thousands of Santa Barbara City College students who live in Isla Vista, as well as visitors to the community.”

For the project, UC Santa Barbara will transfer funding to the County, which will construct a permanent fence along the public sections of the Isla Vista bluffs. The County will have sole responsibility for repairing and maintaining the fence in perpetuity.

The one-time funding for the project is expected to cover the entire estimated costs for the installation of the fence. Should the project come in under budget, the University has designated that the remainder may be used by the County to support maintenance of the fence.

The University has a long history of supporting the community of Isla Vista, highlighted by its contribution of significant resources for public safety and law enforcement, infrastructure projects, revitalization of properties and the development of cultural and arts programming.

UC Santa Barbara continues to work closely with local officials to enhance safety in Isla Vista. Over the past decade alone, the University has invested tens of millions of dollars in resources, including at least $2 million annually that the University provides for public safety. Recently, the University also contributed an additional $220,000 to help fund additional street lighting and sidewalks projects. In addition, the University has created a $2-million fund as a part of its Long Range Development Plan to be matched by the County for the support of safety and infrastructure improvement projects.

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