UCSB Commencement Exercises to Celebrate 5,867 Graduates for 2012–2013

By the close of the 2012–2013 academic year, UC Santa Barbara will have awarded a total of 5,867 undergraduate and graduate degrees. That accomplishment will be celebrated in eight official commencement ceremonies, to be held on campus over eight days, starting June 9 and concluding June 16.

The ceremonies are organized by college, level of degree, and field of study. Chancellor Henry T. Yang will shake the hand of every student graduating from the College of Creative Studies, the College of Engineering, the College of Letters and Science, the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, and the Graduate Division.

The College of Creative Studies will lead off with its ceremony on Sunday, June 9, at 11 a.m., in Campbell Hall. The Bren School of Environmental Science & Management will conduct its ceremony on Friday, June 14, at 10 a.m., in the Bren Hall Courtyard.

On the weekend of Saturday, June 15, and Sunday, June 16, six ceremonies –– three each day –– will be held on the Faculty Club Green fronting the UCSB Lagoon.

All eight ceremonies will be webcast live. Over June 15-16, Web coverage will be continuous, beginning at 8:30 a.m., running through and between the 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m. events. A link to the webcasts will be available via the UCSB home page, at www.ucsb.edu.

A listing of ceremonies and guest speakers follows.

Sunday, June 9, Campbell Hall

11 a.m. – College of Creative Studies

Guest Speaker – Jonathan Siegel '98, chief strategy officer, RightSignature

Student Speakers – Olivia Turnross, biology; Gualtiero Victor Rudi Spiro Jaeger, physics; Gil Tabak, mathematics

Friday, June 14, Bren Hall Courtyard

10 a.m. – Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

Guest Speaker – Jane Lubchenco, Haas Distinguished Visitor in Public Service, Stanford University

Saturday, June 15, Faculty Club Green

9 a.m. – Mathematical, Life & Physical Sciences

Guest Speaker – Jane Lubchenco, Haas Distinguished Visitor in Public Service, Stanford University

Student Speaker – Leah Foltz, biochemistry-molecular biology

1 p.m. – Engineering and Sciences

Guest Speaker – Darlene J.S. Solomon, Ph.D., senior vice president and chief technology officer, Agilent Technologies

Student Speaker – Daniel Mena-Martinez, actuarial science

4 p.m. – Social Sciences I

Guest Speaker – Finn E. Kydland, UCSB professor of economics, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences

Student Speaker – Kimberly Zilles, political science

Sunday, June 16, Faculty Club Green

9 a.m. – Social Sciences II

Guest Speaker – Giles Gunn, UCSB professor and chair of global and international studies, and professor of English

Student Speaker – Kiran Dhillon, global studies

1 p.m. – Humanities and Arts

Guest Speaker – Marcy Carsey, co-founder, The Carsey Werner Company

Student Speaker – Michelle Musser, film and media studies, English

4 p.m. – Graduate Division

Guest Speaker – Jason Loewith '92, artistic director, Olney Theatre Center, Washington, D.C.

Student Speaker – Rusha Al-Rawaf, education

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