UCSB Reads continues through winter quarter with a series of events that includes a film screening, book and panel discussions, faculty lectures, and writing workshops at UC Santa Barbara and at public libraries from Montecito to Solvang.
An annual event, UCSB Reads engages the campus and the Santa Barbara community in discussions about a key topic, while reading the same book. This year's selection is "Moonwalking With Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything," by Joshua Foer.
On Wednesday, January 30, the film "Rain Man" will screen at 7 p.m. in UCSB's Pollock Theater. A discussion with screenwriter Barry Morrow will follow.
On Wednesday, February 13, at 6 p.m., Susan Derwin, Helen Morales, and Kathleen Moore will participate in a panel discussion at the Montecito Library, 1469 East Valley Road. Derwin is a professor of comparative literature and director of UCSB's Interdisciplinary Humanities Center; Morales is a professor of classics; and Moore is a professor of religious studies.
On Wednesday, February 20, at 6 p.m., Kenneth Kosik, Bruce Robertson, Ruth Hellor-Tinoco, and Dominique Jullien will speak at the Santa Barbara Central Downtown Public Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. Kosik is the Harriman Professor of Neuroscience Research in the Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, and co-director of UCSB's Neuroscience Research Institute; Robertson is a professor of history of art and architecture, and acting director of UCSB's Art, Design, and Architecture Museum; Ruth Hellor-Tinoco is an assistant professor of music; and Jullien is a professor of French, and director of French graduate studies.
On Tuesday, February 26, Paul Rivas, Robert Morstein-Marx, and Michael Gazzaniga will speak at 4:30 p.m. at the UCSB Library. Rivas is the academic skills coordinator for Campus Learning Assistance Services; Morstein-Marx is a professor of classics; and Gazzaniga is professor of psychological and brain sciences, and director of UCSB's SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind.
On Thursday, February 28, at 6 p.m., Patrick Faverty, John S.W. Park, and Cheryl Jaworski will participate in a panel discussion at the Solvang Public Library, 1745 Mission Dr. Faverty is a lecturer at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education; Park is an associate professor of Asian American Studies; and Jaworski is a graduate student in English.
In addition, KCSB will broadcast excerpts from the book, read by campus and community volunteers, on weekdays from noon to 12:30 p.m., through Monday, February 25.
Among other events featuring UCSB faculty members and scholars are talks by Rich Mayer, professor of psychological and brain sciences; Justin Kantner, a postdoctoral fellow in psychology; and Miguel Eckstein, professor of psychological and brain science. Mayer's talk, "Using Graphics to Enhance Learning," will take place on Tuesday, January 29, in 5824 Ellison Hall. Kantner will speak on "What Your Recognition Memory Response Bias Says About You" on Friday, February 8, in 1523 Psychology Building. Eckstein will discuss "Finding Your Toothbrush: How Does Your Brain Do That?" on Friday, March 1. All three talks begin at noon.
The UCSB Reads events will culminate in a talk by "Moonwalking With Einstein" author Joshua Foer at 8 p.m. on Monday, March 4, in Campbell Hall.
More information about UCSB Reads, including a complete schedule of events, is available at https://www.library.ucsb.edu/ucsbreads. Questions can be directed to Rebecca Metzger at rmetzger@library.ucsb.edu or (805) 893-2674.
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