Financial Aid Assistance Offered to UCSB Students Affected by Hurricane Sandy
The UC Santa Barbara Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, in partnership with the UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association, is offering special financial aid assistance to students whose families were affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Financial Aid Director Michael Miller has written to undergraduate students who live in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, informing them that he will review financial aid eligibility for families who have suffered a financial loss. If it is determined that their eligibility has changed as a result of the hurricane, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will provide students with assistance from the special financial emergencies scholarship fund established by the UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association.
Student financial aid is determined prior to the start of each school year, but if students' parents suffer serious financial losses, that could change student eligibility, according to Miller.
Two years ago, the UC Santa Barbara Alumni Board of Directors donated more than $15,000 to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to deal with sudden financial emergencies that affect a student's ability to stay in school. The donation came from the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, which receives donations from alumni and the Senior Class Gift, as well as proceeds from fundraisers held during the All Gaucho Reunion.
For more information on the UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association Scholarship Fund, please go to
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Financial Aid