All Gaucho Reunion to Feature Panel Discussion on the Future of UC

Economically speaking, things continue to look bleak for the University of California. This fiscal year alone, UC is facing a gap in state funding of at least $1 billion. Is any relief in sight? What strategies can yield more support from state government? Can the University realistically shift to other sources of funding or achieve greater efficiencies? Can UC quality be preserved through this crisis?

These questions and more will be addressed in "Politics and the Future of the University of California," a panel discussion featuring UC Santa Barbara alumni, administrators, and faculty members, each bringing a unique expertise in California politics and educational policy. The discussion begins at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, in 1006 North Hall on the UCSB campus. It is free and open to the public.

The panelists include Gene E. Lucas, executive vice chancellor at UCSB and co-chair of the UC Commission on the Future working group charged with exploring funding strategies; Lorraine McDonnell, professor of political science and past president of the American Educational Research Association; Steve Boilard ('84, Ph.D., '82), higher education director in the California Legislative Analyst's Office; Kirsten Deshler ('87), UCSB's director of governmental relations; and California State Assemblywoman Jean Fuller (Ph.D. '89), who represents the 32nd District.

The discussion, moderated by John T. Woolley, professor and chair of political science, will focus on the choices, opportunities, and risks that will confront UC in the coming years.

"Like the State of California more broadly, the University of California faces a budget crisis with no simple solution," said Woolley. "This panel draws together four UCSB alumni and one faculty member who are exceptionally qualified to discuss the choices and dilemmas we face. It is important that Gaucho alumni get a chance to be involved, because their future support will be essential to the success of whatever solutions emerge."

The panel discussion is one of several events and activities taking place during the All Gaucho Reunion. A complete list can be found at

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