First Confirmed Case of H1N1 Flu in Santa Barbara County

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department and UC Santa Barbara health officials have reported a confirmed case of H1N1 flu in the county.

The state laboratory notified the department late Tuesday, May 26, that the sample submitted on Friday, May 22, tested positive for H1N1 (S-OIV) flu.

The first confirmed case of H1N1 (S-OIV) flu in the county is a 20-year-old UCSB student who sought care at the campus's Student Health Services for mild flu-like symptoms on May 20, 2009. The student, a resident of Isla Vista, has two roommates, neither of whom became ill.

He was treated and has fully recovered. Investigation by the Disease Control team of the Public Health Department revealed no other person in contact with the case to have an influenza-like illness.

A second probable case in another UCSB student is pending confirmation at the State Public Health Lab. This student sought care on May 21, 2009, had mild illness, was treated, and has fully recovered. Investigation revealed no other person in contact with the case to have an influenza-like illness. These two students do not share a known contact.

The identification of H1N1 Influenza A cases in the county does not alter the current recommendations of the California Department of Public Health or Centers for Disease Control. Sporadic individual cases are to be expected and only require measures that address each case. Usually these measures are self-isolation until well, or seven days after onset of symptoms. Medications are recommended in some cases, but only after evaluation by a medical professional.

Individuals with flu symptoms are advised to stay home.

If a person appears to have severe flu symptoms or is getting sicker, it is best to contact their health care provider for guidance.

For more information on swine flu and flu prevention tips, go to Public Health Department Web site at, the UCSB Student Health Services Web site at , the CDC Web site at , or the California Department of Public Health Web site at Individuals may call the California H1N1 Flu hotline at


Related Links

UCSB Student Health Services H1N1 Updates

Santa Barbara County Public Health

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