UCSB Fulbright Scholars to Study in Spain and Germany

Two UC Santa Barbara faculty members have received Fulbright fellowships to study in Europe during the 2008-09 academic year. In addition, the Fulbright Scholar Program has awarded grants to nine university professors from around the world who will conduct research at UCSB during the same time period.

UCSB's recipients include Mario T. García, a professor of history and Chicana and Chicano studies; and Paul Russell Spickard, professor of history.

García will spend winter and spring quarters at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where he will teach a graduate seminar on the Chicano/Latino historical experience. García's expertise includes mass immigration from Mexico, the development of immigrant communities, civil rights struggles, oral history, and, more recently, Chicano Catholic history.

A specialist in United States and world history, and race and immigration, Spickard will spend the entire year at the University of Muenster in Germany. He will lecture on race, immigration, and citizenship in United States history and in American popular culture. Also, he will conduct research on the ways that Germany and other European nations are coming to grips with the fact that their populations are beginning to include many different peoples.

Fulbright scholars from abroad who are studying at UCSB this year include Tine A.A.A. Breban of Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium; Inigo Novales Flamarique of Simon Fraser University in Canada; Robert Helan of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic; Phuong Thi Minh Huynh of the University of Dalat in Vietnam; Robert Mann of the University of Waterloo in Canada; Karolina Siskova of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic; Tolya Angelova Stoitsova of New Bulgarian University in Bulgaria; Dongfeng Wang of Sun- Yat-sen University in China; and Alejandra Silvia Vidal of the National University of Formosa in Argentina.

The Fulbright Scholar Program, sponsored by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is America's flagship international educational exchange program. Since its inception in 1946, the Fulbright Program has sponsored approximately 273,500 American and foreign scholars. Recipients are selected based on academic or professional achievement as well as demonstrated leadership potential in their fields.

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