U.S. News and World Report Ranks UCSB Graduate Programs Among Best

The Ph.D. program in physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara is ranked 10th in the country, according to new rankings of top graduate programs by U.S. News & World Report that are being released today, Friday, April 5, 2002.

The UCSB physics department's specialty in condensed matter / low temperature physics is ranked 5th nationally by the magazine.

The rankings appear in the magazine's issue dated April 15th, available on newsstands starting Monday, April 8. The rankings are also the subject of a book that goes on sale April 8, called Best Graduate Schools. Excerpts from the rankings can be found on the magazine's web site, www.usnews.com

The magazine ranks some graduate and professional schools every year, including education and engineering. The magazine ranked UCSB's College of Engineering 24th (in a tie); the college's specialty in materials was ranked 7th. The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education at UCSB was ranked 39th (in a tie).

U.S. News ranks Ph.D. programs in various disciplines, but does not do new rankings in all fields every year. In addition to physics, the disciplines in which the magazine did compile new rankings this year included chemistry, where UCSB's department is ranked 30th (in a tie), and biological sciences, where UCSB ranked is 60th (tied).

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