Elliot Brownlee, UC Santa Barbara professor of history, has been honored by the University of California's Academic Council---the executive committee of the university's academic senate---for his outstanding service to the UC and to his campus. Brownlee and Carlton Bovell, UC Riverside professor emeritus of microbiology, are the first recipients of the Oliver Johnson Award for Service to the Academic Senate.

"I am extremely flattered and gratified by the award," said Brownlee, who received the award at the annual dinner of the Academic Council this summer in Berkeley.

Brownlee, former chair of the UC Academic Council, has held various positions in the UC Academic Senate, including two terms as chair of the Santa Barbara division.

"Elliot Brownlee has provided exceptional service contributions to the university, both at the divisional level and the systemwide level. He has been a continuing and powerful force in advocating for strong, effective, and forward-looking faculty governance. The leadership role he has played has optimally served to negotiate the diverse views and legitimate concerns of the many constituencies that comprise the University of California," wrote Daphne Bugental, UCSB professor of psychology and chair of UCSB's nominating committee for the award.

A U.S. economic history scholar, Brownlee's special interest is public finance and taxation. His most recent book, "Federal Taxation in America: A Short History," was published by Cambridge U. Press in 1996. He came to UCSB in 1967.

Oliver Johnson is a UC Riverside professor of philosophy emeritus and longtime senate participant, whose gift to the systemwide senate funds the award. The award will be given every two years to a UC faculty member for their outstanding creative contributions to UC faculty governance.

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