Some of the top names in the computer, business, and education worlds will be honored at the 1998 UCSB Alumni Association Awards Luncheon on Saturday, Feb. 7,

at 12:30 p.m. in the University Center's Corwin Pavilion.

Manuel Esteban, Pamela Meyer Lopker, Karl Lopker, and William Russell will be presented with distinguished alumni awards and an honorary alumni award will be given to Paul Orfalea. A posthumous Teaching Award will be given for Professor Walter Capps.

Manuel Esteban (Ph.D. 1976) will be recognized for his numerous achievements as president of California State University, Chico.

He developed a strategic planning process and plan for the school's reaccreditation that is now a model for other institutions, has continually encouraged teaching excellence and research, strengthened community relations, and saw to the completion of the university's baseball stadium.

Pamela Meyer Lopker (B.A. 1977) and Karl Lopker (B.A. 1973) are now president and chief executive officer (respectively) of the software company

QAD in Carpinteria. The UCSB couple wanted to stay in the area upon graduating, so they collaborated on software that integrated and streamlined the supply, manufacturing, and distribution operations of their first client, a local shoe manufacturer. Numerous manufacturers then jumped for their solutions, turning QAD into an international company of 860 employees serving more than 300,000 users in 76 countries and 24 languages.

William Russell (B.A. 1940) is a commissioner (retired) of the California Interscholastic Federation from 1955 to 1980. He set the original policies needed by high schools to run interscholastic sports teams, and led the adoption of CIF rules for girls' competition---years before the national regulations were adopted as a civil rights issue in 1972. The Santa Barbara native also has presided over the UCSB Alumni Association, and served as El Presidente of Old Spanish Days.

The Teaching Award will postumously honor Walter Holden Capps, the UCSB religious studies professor who passed away while serving in Congress as the representative for the 22nd district last year. The scholar originated the immensely popular class on campus about the Vietnam War,

and ran for Congress to demonstrate that government can make a difference.

Paul Orfalea, founder and chairman of Kinko's Inc., will receive theHonorary Alumnus Award. The now mega-size company bearing his nickname began in 1970 as a small Isla Vista shop for inexpensive copies, school supplies, and film processing. Started with a $5,000 loan, the company is now

the leading provider of electronics communication and document production worldwide. It is worth more than $600 million, has nearly 900 branches in six countries, employs 23,000 people, and offers "The New Way To Office" and "The Branch Office That Never Closes" to more than 200,000 businesses a day.

The cost of the luncheon is $20 per person, and the public is invited. Reservations must be made by January 30. Complimentary parking will be available in Lot 22, near the Events Center.

For reservation information, call 893-2957.

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